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标题:Seven steps to find customer by yourself

注册:2007-2-26 16:39:03
Seven steps to find customer by yourself
First of all, I do Google search with the name of the company and the word scam. Normally,
there should be no page with the company listed with the word scam next to them but if you see at least one, maybe it is a scam. No need to have several pages, only one is neccessary, the contact one is enough.

Secondly,you can go on a very good website, which have a lsit of all website and company listed as scam. It is a very useful seaching tools.

And thirdly, just ask people around on forums just like this one.especially, in the foreign forums.

Fourth steps is that you can verify the address they gave you and find out what's really on this. Go on and enter the address they gave you to find out if the address is really registered as their business address or at least at their names.

Fifth ,you can asked the telephone number, so that if nessissary, you can call them directly.

Sixth, alway inquire about the mail address.It really is the cheapest method to contact with the clients.

Seventh and last advice for the time being; JUST COME AND ASK ME. Yes, you can come and ask me and I'll help you. I've been for so much time victim of scammer, who fortunately failed in their attempts, that I've got some pretty much experience

some parts of them is copy from other forum按此在新窗口浏览图片
I still believe, someday, miracle will happen.
 发表于:07-3-19 12:58:18
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